Registration form Open Monument Days 2024 Contact detailsName building/ monument* Gender* Mr Ms Contact first name* Last name contact person* Visiting address (street and house no.)* Postcode* Location* Postal address Telephone number* Mobile number E-mail address* Enter e-mail address Confirm email address Website Facebook Instagram Name of contact person during the weekend* Contact phone number during the weekend*FeaturesThe following details of your monument are requested for the national foundation Open Monumentendag. They place this data on their website.Type of monument*Archaeological monumentFarmIndustrial heritageOffice buildingCastle or country houseMobile heritageMillMonument of relaxationMonumental greeneryPublic buildingReligious heritageStreet furnitureDefenceResidential houseOtherShort description of your monument (maximum 3 sentences)* Original function Current position Architect Construction period Status* Municipal monument Provincial monument National monument Is the monument wheelchair accessible?* Yes No Participation Open Monument Days1. Will you be open on Saturday, Sept. 14 between standard times 10 a.m.-5 p.m.?* Yes. No, I am open during the following opening hours (to be completed if you click this option). No, I am not open all day. 1a. Opening hours: 2. Will you be open on Sunday, September 15, between standard times 12:00 - 5:00 p.m.?* Yes. No, I am open during the following opening hours (to be completed if you click this option). No, I am not open all day. 2a. Opening Hours 3. Is the monument accessible free of charge during the Heritage Days?* Yes No, namely (to be filled in if you click this option). Differing admission price Programme & activities4. Is your entire monument on display?* Yes No If no, please give a specific description of the rooms to be viewed*5. This year's theme is "Heritage of Routes, Networks and Connections. This theme highlights the evolution of human mobility and communication throughout history and how it connects us. It highlights the crucial role of routes and networks in shaping societies and landscapes. Both in the past and in the present. In what ways does the monument fit the theme:*6. Will anything be organized at the monument during Heritage Days?* Yes (if yes, please complete question 6a!) No 6a. The following will be organized:7. Is there a catering facility available during the weekend?* Yes No Promotion8. Do you own the new flag (the blue flag with sponsor Friends Lottery)?* Yes No 9. Do you have digital images available that may be used in communications?*In order for photos to be included in printed matter, the photos supplied must be at least 300 dpi. Please note that this does not guarantee that your image material will be used for this purpose. Yes No Upload your files here.Max. file size: 64 MB.If not readily available, please send by June 1 at Photos should be at least 300 dpi.NOTE: If you did not receive a confirmation via email, then the registration did NOT go well. Please try again or email us at: field is for validation purposes and should not be changed. Δ