City opera Maria
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MARIA empress of Dordt

Mega music spectacle for and by Dordrians

MARIA empress of Dordrecht is a mega musical spectacle, a city opera for and by Dordentheans on the occasion of 800 years of the city. The truth-based story is about Empress Maria who receives Dordrecht as a wedding present 800 years ago. Thanks to the city rights that are established as a result, Dordrecht grows into a thriving city and Maria can decide on her own life full of culture and celebrations. Producer Muziektheater Hollands Diep invites all Dordrechters, young and old, experienced and inexperienced, to participate. The goal: to create something beautiful for the city together with this city opera. Everyone is welcome!

The great thing about this community show is that everyone can participate.
- David Prins

Music show: a real community show

"This grand musical spectacle is a true community show," says artistic director David Prins enthusiastically. "We are developing it together with the Big Rivers Festival, but in addition a lot of local cultural organizations are involved including the Grand Film and Musical Orchestra Timbres Divers, Inter Amicos and the Orpheus Choir. Many people have also been working on the sets and costumes for quite some time. Now that the moment of performance is getting closer, it is starting to come alive more and more. You can feel the enthusiasm. The city opera was actually already planned for 2020, but we assume that it will really happen this summer."

This is your chance!

Have you always wanted to participate in a major music production like this? Do you feel like working with an enthusiastic group of people to create something unique for the city? Then this is your chance. Music Theatre Hollands Diep is looking for actors, dancers, singers, performers, musicians, soloists, clubs, associations, choirs and much more. Weekly rehearsals start in March. Would you rather work behind the scenes? There are plenty of opportunities for that too, so be sure to sign up. The performances of the city opera MARIA keizerin van Dordt will take place from 9 to 12 July at a unique location in the center of Dordrecht.

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City opera Maria

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