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BosBrein organizes challenging outdoor activities for children (ages 9 to 13). Take an educational outdoor workshop, join us for a night of adventure in nature or take a hands-on outdoor lesson at school.

How do you build a shelter with natural materials? How do you work safely with a knife or axe? And what plants or berries can you actually chain? You will learn it in one of the workshops of BosBrein for children. The activities are suitable for individuals, groups as well as (primary) schools. More information about activities and workshop dates can be found on the website. See you outside!

About BosBrein
BosBrein is an initiative of De Praktijkmeester. Owner Brammert Waagmeester has more than 10 years of experience in practical education and organizing outdoor activities for children. The goal: to get children back in touch with the adventurous side of the outdoors. "Smarts grow in the forest!"

Fun for you too?

Team outings

Escaperoom Dordrecht

Maarten Harperstsz Trompweg 229a
High tea

Alpaca farm Dordrecht

Noordendijk 406
Children's parties

Game Empire

Bagijnhof 60

Apple jetty (under the Wine Bridge)

Grote Appelsteiger 22

The Vine

Dubelsteynlaan-West 70

De Vinylloods Drechtsteden

Einstein Street 67