
Energy House

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The former power station on the corner of Noordendijk and Biesbosch Street consists of three separate structures built against each other: the first from 1910 in eclectic architectural style, the next from 1915 in a traditional style and the last from 1928 in functional architectural style. It is a fine example of factory architecture, culminating in the 1928 building. The 1915 building and its windows have undergone extensive modernization, the facades on Biesboschstraat and Noordendijk remained relatively intact during renovations. Five cultural institutions have settled here since early 2013, making the Energiehuis the cultural 'hotspot' of Dordrecht and the region. Numerous inspiring activities bring the old power plant back to life. The former energy halls have been transformed into concert, theater and pop halls, classrooms, studios and meeting and lounge rooms. Also located there is the grand cafe called Khotinsky. The overwhelming, industrial building offers a wide range of music, theater, dance, art and design.

  • Year built: 1910
  • Style of construction: Eclectic, functional and traditional style
  • Original function: Power station

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