
State school

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  • Year built: 1913
  • Style of construction: Neo-Renaissance
  • Original function: Municipal School

The Statenschool was built in 1913 to a design by the Municipal Works Department. It was destined as Municipal School No. 2 for public primary education. This numbering is related to the large number of schools built by the municipality at that time. In January 1901, the General Compulsory Education Act was introduced, which meant there was a great need for new school buildings. The representative facade is built in Dutch neo-Renaissance style, with reference to the seventeenth-century Dordrecht facades.

It has a cantilevered stepped gable, archways with decorative brickwork, trefoil arches and hardstone heads. The double spiral staircase has a balustrade of artificial stone columns and at the corners two artificial stone lions with an escutcheon. The school is built according to the so-called corridor school type, in which the classrooms are located at the long front of the school with a corridor behind it across the full width. On the corridor side, all the classrooms have interior windows and glass doors.

The classrooms face south-east for sufficient sunlight. Coats were not allowed in the classroom; separate coat racks were provided in the corridor for that purpose. In 2011, the building was painted in the original colours again. Because few major renovations have been made during the school's 100-year history, the building has been kept in very good original condition.

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