Yes, the time has come again! The Pluktuin Dordrecht is once again in full bloom, coloring the landscape in beautiful shades of orange, pink, purple, red, and white. The scent of fresh flowers welcomes you as soon as you enter!
This is the perfect time of year to put together your own bouquet for a small amount of money. As long as the bouquet fits in one hand, you can make your own selection from the vast array of flowers. Not only will you bring a brightly colored bouquet into your home, but you will also have an instant family fun outing.
There is also something special for the youngest visitors: children under 4 can pick their own small bouquet for free. This makes the outing not only affordable, but also incredibly fun for the little ones. Whether you come to admire the floral beauty, pick your own bouquet, or just spend a nice afternoon in nature, the Pluktuin offers something for everyone.
And don't forget to bring your camera! The colorful sea of flowers provides the perfect backdrop for beautiful photos.
Video by @verabrittofficial.