Stories of Dordrecht (No. 19): Dordrecht in the war
Product description
The nineteenth volume in the series Verhalen van Dordrecht "Dordrecht in de oorlog en de oorlog in Dordrecht" describes what happened in Dordrecht before, during and after World War II. Author Kees Weltevrede begins with the rise of Hitler, the increasing threat of war and how Dordrecht tried to prepare as well as possible. Almost all aspects are covered, focusing on Dordrecht: the beginning of the occupation, the Germans in the city, the changes in daily life and the persecution of Jews, but also the resistance and the hunger winter. The aftermath of the war is also covered in detail.
Would you like to know more about the occupation and the effects it had on Dordrecht residents? Then also read Verhalen van Dordrecht nr. 42: Sobibór about the Jewish Dordrians and their fate.