
Stories of Dordrecht (no. 20): Animals in downtown Dordrecht


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The twentieth volume in the series Verhalen van Dordrecht, 'Animals in de Dordtse binnenstad', is about the animals you see on the facades in the city center. Author Herman van Duinen takes the reader along the multitude of animals in the city center of Dordrecht. They can be found on façades, on tombstones, in family coats of arms, or displayed as works of art. In addition to animals from nature such as lions, eagles, elephants and swans, mythological animals can also be seen: a griffin, a centaur and a unicorn. The author goes into detail about these animals and their significance. Included in the booklet is a map with numbers that refer to the numbered image and description of a particular animal. While walking in the inner city, the animals described can thus be quickly found.

Curious about other beautiful facades in downtown Dordrecht? Then also read Verhalen van Dordrecht nr. 2: Gezichten van Dordrecht.