Cengiz Imamdi
The focus on detail is evident in Cengiz Imamdi's visual work. The musicians he adores, the trains, fire and police cars come with all the features that go with such a car. Here speaks an autistic person who puts his stamp on his environment down to the details. In the drawing of the town of Volendam, he has given all the pop musicians who come from there their own place. Here, too, the logic of an autistic person is visible.
Cengiz's works have previously been on display at exhibitions in Rotterdam, Mannheim and Ghent. He enjoys chatting with visitors.
Chrissy Smit
After her visual talent was discovered in Auris College's talent class, Chrissy Smit joined studio Herenplaats in 2018. Chrissy mainly focuses on her development in drawing Manga. She is fascinated by how these characters are drawn and how the drama is depicted. Games, especially fantasy and action games, are also a great source of inspiration for Chrissy. She tries to depict her subjects in a narrative and symbolic way.
Chrissy works carefully with light and dark in her drawings and paintings. She works with a variety of materials such as acrylic paint, watercolor, ink and pencil. The formats of her work vary. One of her dreams is to create a Manga book with her own Illustrations.
Outsider Art
Via Lumina gives artists, who are outside the mainstream art world, the opportunity to exhibit their work. Art connects and creates friendships.
The artworks are for sale in the gallery every Saturday and every first Sunday of the month (during Kunstrondje Dordt) between 13.00 -17.00, but daily in the webshop www.vialumina.nl