Op zondag 14 september organiseren inwoners van de Dordtse historische binnenstad voor de zesde keer de Dordtse Rommelroute. Iedereen die in de historische binnenstad woont en spullen wil verkopen kan na inschrijving op de website deelnemen.
Between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., participants can offer their items in front of their own homes. After registering, participants will receive an entry on the map that can be downloaded from the website. Visitors to the rummage sale can thus create their own walking tour of favorite addresses. A nice aspect of this event is not only that superfluous items find a new owner, but also that residents get more in touch with each other.
You can sign up to participate at www.dordtserommelroute.nl, where more information about the route can also be found.