Heartwarming family film full of adventure and new challenges!
Director: Pieter van Rijn (Bon Bini Holland) - Actors: a.o. Leendert de Ridder, Sanne Wallis de Vries, Tamara Brinkman
Length: 72 minutes - Language: Dutch
- Subtitles: - -
This time, Mees Kees(Leendert de Ridder) has to leave his mother's house. Meanwhile, he helps school principal Dreus(Sanne Wallis de Vries) organize a medieval fox hunt, while he himself prefers to work on a robot project with his students. At the same time, one of his sixth-graders struggles with the fact that his mother wants to date again after the death of his father.
Thus, change can occur in everyone's life. You may have to get used to that. Or sometimes it scares you a little. But changing something can also be a lot of fun.
Wed Jan 1.
do Jan. 2.
Fri Jan. 3.
Sat. Jan. 4.
Sun Jan. 5.