Huis Van Gijn moves with the seasons, just as it did around 1900. Discover in the seasonal presentation what spring meant for the residents on stand and their staff.
It is springtime in Huis Van Gijn. One hundred years ago, that meant, first of all, time for the big spring cleaning. The coal stoves disappeared to the attic, walls were whitewashed. With open windows everything was shaken and patted; curtains, carpets and bedspreads were given a good whipping.
Slowly, fresh vegetables are back in the kitchen, such as carrots, peas and asparagus. A full breakfast is set on the dining table, even extra festive with eggs around Easter!
In the print room on the 2nd floor there is a presentation in the large chest of drawers. From the growing and flowering around Easter and the vegetable garden to the Dordt fair that was traditionally held at the end of May/beginning of June. In the spring, city children could also play outside again. How they did that around 1900 you will discover here.
Please note! The museum is closed on Mondays.
Special activities are also planned:
- April 10 and May 8 Three Centuries Home Tour
- April 15 to 21 Easter Trail through the house for children
- April 22 to May 4 Orange Route
- April 30 May vacation activity