The Cinemusic Orchestra brings music from over twenty iconic feature films featuring original images. Expect classics, blockbusters and genres as action, romance and fantasy. René Mioch presents with fascinating anecdotes.
Live performed music from world-famous cinema hits, including original film clips
Tears in your eyes from emotion or a heartbeat that shoots up during an exciting scene: without music, a movie would be a lot less romantic or exciting. This is exactly why film music is so special. After two successful tours, the Cinemusic-orchestra will once again hit theaters. The 36-piece orchestra will play music from more than twenty world-famous feature films, while in the background the original images can be seen on a large white screen. Which films will be featured remains a surprise, but count on a sophisticated mix of classics and brand new blockbusters, action and romance, fantasy and true stories. The orchestra knows how to bring out every emotion and by combining this with the film images, the light show and the intimate theater atmosphere, you will be sucked into the story time and again. That is guaranteed to give you goose bumps, excitement, laughter, but undoubtedly also a lump in your throat. The evening will be presented by film journalist René Miochwho will tell the funniest anecdotes about the films and the music.