Today Sinterklaas and his Pieten hope to set foot in Dordrecht again. Be there so you don't miss a thing! The parcel boat Pieter Boele sails into the Wolwevershaven at noon, after which Sinterklaas and his party will make a driving tour through the city center. The route takes in the Grote Markt, the Nieuwbrug, Voorstraat Noord, Steegoversloot, Museumstraat, Vest, Vriesestraat, Lenghestraat, Bagijnhof, Visstraat, Groenmarkt and Grotekerksbuurt. The festive entry ends in the Grotekerkstuin, where a spectacular final party will take place from 1:15 p.m. onwards.
After the final party, the Saint will leave for Shopping Center Crabbehof, where at 3 p.m. everyone will be warmed up by the Pietenorkest. At 15.30 the Saint himself will arrive there. In the run-up to the entry there will be a weekly video on facebook with the state of affairs.
Photo: Stichting Intocht Sint Nicolaas Dordrecht