Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift

Leading up to the stage, there are already several activities in town. From Friday you can participate in a mega-painting on the Otto Dickeplein, on Saturday there are activities on the Hof and on Sunday, August 11, there are various activities in French spheres on the Grotekerksplein, Sarisgang, Statenplein and the Otto Dickeplein. This will get you in the mood of the Tour. Scroll down for the entire program.

Aug. 11 - Dordt Bicycle Festivals

In anticipation of the start of the 2nd stage of the Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift in Dordrecht on Tuesday 13 August, the Dordtse Fiets Feesten will be held on Sunday 11 August to warm up for the start of this stage. The Grotekerksplein is then transformed into a cozy French square where you can taste and hear the atmosphere of France.

Program surroundings Grote Kerk
- Typical French breakfast

<Wegens de grote vraag is het ontbijt volgeboekt en zijn er geen plekken meer beschikbaar.>

The day begins at 10 a.m. with a typical French breakfast, the "petit déjeuner," for only €7.50. The proceeds of this breakfast will go to charity.

- Musical performances
Starting at 1:30 p.m., you can enjoy various musical acts on stage:

  • Trio Pont Neuf;
  • Dutch chansonnière Carolien Rutten + Band;
  • Belgian band Juice Box

Expect a mix of chansons, hot club and other French music styles. The Bicycle Orchestra from Eindhoven will cycle and make music through downtown.

Dordrecht in French spheres

  • Jeux de Boules
    Petanque club 't Boulende Schaep is building a jeux de boules court where demonstration matches will be held.
  • Wine and food
    Around the stage you will find several Dordrecht wine merchants and various food trucks where you can snack, taste and eat. Most importantly, enjoy a piece of French in Dordrecht together.
  • French Brocante Market & Artists
    A typical French Brocante market will take place around the Grote Kerk and in the Grotekerksbuurt, in cooperation with the Art and Antiques Market. The 2CV club the Eenden Ei from Rotterdam presents special 2CVs. Various artists, including members of Studio078, can be seen painting and drawing along the Pottenkade. The whole thing will be musically accompanied by real Musette accordionists. Knappe Fiets will be on hand for minor bicycle repairs and will show off his beautifully restored bikes.
  • Talkshows with Kees Thies 
    Columnist and cycling enthusiast Kees Thies presents four talk shows in the style of the Avondetappe under the name 'Wegkletsen met Thies'. He receives well-known and unknown guests who all share a passion for cycling. These talk shows take place between performances.

    • 14h15 with alderman Marc Merx
    • 15h00 with alderman with alderman Marc Merx and former tour winner Joop Zoetemelk
    • 19h45 with former tour winner Joop Zoetemelk
    • 20h45


Beverwijcksplein petanque jeu de boules activity spring Dordrecht

Other downtown activities

Statenplein and surroundings
On the Sarisgang there will be a Thick Tire Race from 2:30 to 4:15 p.m., for children of all ages. Furthermore, children can participate in fun cycling activities on the Statenplein in cooperation with Visma Lease a Bike (from 12.00 to 16.00 hours).
FC Dordrecht will be present in the Kloostertuin with the selection and staff between 12.30 and 14.30 hrs. Children of all ages can play soccer with the players of the selection and have their picture taken.

Lucinda Brand; Dordt participant in the Tour

One of the participants in the Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift is Lucinda Brand from Dordrecht. She is looking forward to the start on the Energieplein with extra enthusiasm. The born and raised Dordt native is also getting on the pedals that day, for the Tour starting from her own hometown. A home race for Lucinda, who is an ambassador for the event in Dordrecht.

"I know the course very well, of course. This will bring extra atmosphere because many people in the audience know me. I like being an ambassador for the Tour in Dordrecht, it will be a big event, which can certainly have an impact for children. They might think: 'I want this later too' and get inspired."

Lucinda has mapped out some cycling routes for cyclists and recreational cyclists especially for the Tour. Are you biking along?

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Bicycle routes Lucinda Brand

Dordt Bicycle Festivals

Dordt Bicycle Festivals

Dordt Bicycle Festivals

Dordt Bicycle Festivals

Dordt Bicycle Festivals