
In the dolphin

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The building was built in 1595 and is of great historical value. Special are the original store shutters in the front facade which are unique in Dordrecht. During the day the shutters could be opened for sales, at night they were folded down. The building has a plastered stepped gable and under the house there is an entire masonry vault. The building In de Dolfyn is known as a haunted house. Several post-war residents observed a ghost of an old woman. This was supposed to be Schoontje Braadbaart, a Jewish woman who was deported to Germany in the early 1940s. The old woman lived in seclusion in the dark house at Voorstraat 8, in which her father had a store for many years. After the war the building stood empty for a long time. It was nailed shut, but neighbors sometimes thought they could see a shadow there. In the 1970s the ghost was seen several times by the then resident. Stories appeared in the local newspaper and numerous curious people came to see the haunted house. According to the stories, Schoontje is still searching at night for the treasure she once hid in her house. The stories about Schoontje are described in detail in 'Beeh...! Groot Dordts Verhalenboek' by Ruben A. Koman.

  • Year built: 1595
  • Original function: store

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