Inspiration & tips

Pull out your calendar!

There is plenty to do in town again in the coming period. Indoors and outdoors, so you can have a nice day out whatever the weather. Go out and get inspired by this selection of activities on the UITagenda in February.

There's all kinds of things going on in town again this coming time!

Kiss my soul in Dordrecht Museum

Exuberant and multifaceted love anno now in the Dordrecht Museum at the exhibition "KISS MY SOUL - Heavenly & Earthly Love in Contemporary Art. More than 75 works by 30 artists give an overview of visual art in the 21st century, exuberant and with a warm beating heart. From body lust to motherly love, from heartbreak to parental love, from brotherly love to loving fidelity. The group exhibition features a mix of internationally known artists such as Marlene Dumas and Tracey Emin, alongside up-and-coming talent such as Tanja Ritterbex and Charlott Weise. Curious? The exhibition will be on display at the Dordrecht Museum through March 3.

Kiss my soul - Dordrecht Museum, on view through March 3!

Immerse yourself in the revelry of carnival

On Saturday, February 10, we can all take to the streets in our favorite costume. It is time for the annual carnival parade of De Merwekrabbers. With a route through the city, various carnival associations will present themselves in the most diverse carnival outfits and beautiful floats. Also starting at 2 p.m. is the 'Pleinfeest' on the Scheffersplein with performances by Alwin van den Heuvel and Mike van der Linden, among others. Of course the Hofkapel de Aftrappers is also present. At the Square Party is also the award ceremony of the carnival parade. So get your carnival outfit out of the closet and we will see you there!

Carnival parade - Saturday, Feb. 10
Carnival Event Parade Dordrecht

Schouwburg Kunstmin: plenty of performances

Many famous artists say that Schouwburg Kunstmin is the most beautiful theater in the Netherlands, and we agree! The theater is a national monument from 1889, that alone makes it worth a visit. In addition, the programming is very diverse; theater, cabaret, (classical) concerts, dance and youth theater. This month you can enjoy everything the theater has to offer. For example children's show Pietje Bell en de Bende van de Zwarte Hand on Saturday, February 4, Simone Kleinsma and Paul Groot in 'De Hospita' and the wonderful dance performance by Igone de Jongh on Friday, February 16. But of course there is much more to see and experience, check it out!

Schouwburg Kunstmin - agenda
Schouwburg Kunstmin theatre culture going out Dordrecht
Big Rivers music festival event Dordrecht 2022 (4)
Curious about more events?
Check out the overview here!

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