VVV Dordrecht shopping Dordrecht products Dordrecht (1)
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VVV store revamped!

The VVV store at Spuiboulevard 99 has undergone a metamorphosis. The result: a renovated store with a prominent place for local, Dordrecht products. A pleasant change, because there is considerable demand for Dordrecht products such as cookies, beer and key rings. Among tourists, but certainly also among Dordrechters themselves, notes the VVV.

We now have four storefronts full of local products
- Cecile Zanen

Store furniture full of Dordrecht wine, tea, honey and more!

Cecile Zanen is only too happy: the renovation of the VVV store is a welcome change for her and her colleagues and, of course, for all customers. She explains: ,,We renovated because we wanted more space for local, Dordrecht products. Maps, such as cycling and walking maps, were sold less in recent years, so we wanted to give them a less prominent place. Instead, we now have four beautiful store units full of local products. We already had Dordrecht sheep's head cookies, beer and wine, but now we also have Dordrecht tea and honey."

3D-print tower Grote Kerk

Plus something new that can safely be called special, a 3D print of the tower of the Grote Kerk in the form of a keychain and as an accessory for your interior. On social media, the VVV noticed a lot of positive reactions to these new items. "We try to offer as many local products as possible in our store, from local entrepreneurs. We also have products that are made outside the city, but have a connection to Dordrecht."

VVV Dordrecht shopping Dordrecht products Dordrecht (2)

Dordrecht even more on the map

Cecile is pleased with the metamorphosis the store has undergone. "The store was very static and had limited space to give our Dordrecht products a nice spot. That has now changed. We can now properly display these products. Our intention is obviously to sell more Dordrecht products, to put the city even more on the map with the public. We notice that in general there is a lot of enthusiasm for Dordrecht products - we see very clearly an increase. Why? Particularly by Dordeteners giving themselves or someone else something related to the city as a gift."

VVV Dordrecht shopping Dordrecht products Dordrecht (3)

Interest in own city

Especially in recent years the VVV saw a shift in this, more and more people became interested in their own surroundings and what there is to do. As a result, more Dordt products have been offered. "Real runners up are the magnets. Those always do well. Just like the Dordtse schapenkopkeuteltjes: licorice in a can. For example, in combination with a Dordrecht beer, so that people can make a nice gift package out of it."

VVV Dordrecht shopping Dordrecht products Dordrecht (1)

Ready for the season!

With the renovation of the VVV store, the tourist information point is all set for the season. "Together we are very much looking forward to it. We hope that the people of Dordrecht also know how to find us again. Besides day trippers and tourists, we are very happy to be there for our residents. For example, for questions about events or Dordrecht gifts."

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