
Stories of Dordrecht (no. 17): Chronicle of Dordrecht


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The seventeenth volume in the series Verhalen van Dordrecht "Chronicle of Dordrecht" deals with the history of Dordrecht. The most important events in the history of Dordrecht come together in this volume in the series Verhalen van Dordrecht. The former City Librarian of Dordrecht, Jan Alleblas, describes one thousand years of history in six thousand words. The first Free States Assembly of 1572 and the Dordrecht Synod of 1618-1619, the Sint Elisabethflood and other events from the history of Dordrecht are all dealt with concisely in this chronicle of Dordrecht.

Curious about a more detailed explanation of the first Free States Assembly, the Dordrecht Synod or the Sint Elisabethflood? Then be sure to read Verhalen van Dordrecht nr. 1: De Dordtse Synode, Verhalen van Dordrecht nr. 5: 1572 and Verhalen van Dordrecht nr. 7: De Sint Elisabethsvloed.