Omoda shoes kids shopping center Dordrecht (2)
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News from the city

What many Dordents have long known, more and more visitors from outside the city are also discovering. Because of its historic harbors, the proximity to National Park the Biesbosch, the cozy center, the terraces, culture and of course the surprising stores. It is a place where more and more new proud Dordrecht businesses are opening their doors and well-known chains are expanding their stores.

More and more new initiatives and expansions in downtown Dordrecht

Discover & (Er)sail; passion for Venice of the North

Remy Balistreri (owner of Discover Dordrecht) and Sirio Barone (owner of Si Barone) have joined forces with Discover & (Er)vaar. Both creative Dordrecht entrepreneurs were growing fast. Remy as a provider of city walks and outings and Sirio with his canal cruises. Both have the same ambition: to convey the beauty of Dordrecht with a high-quality range of arrangements. And that together with other local entrepreneurs. On July 7, they opened their joint ticket shop and departure point on the Voorstraat Noord. An ideal central location with Si Barone's jetty at the back. "A nice visible spot," Remy says. "A nice lively base for our packages, but also for participating in events." Discover & Er(vaar) is open all year from Tuesday to Sunday.

More Discover & (Er)sail
Discover and (er)sail round trips walking Dordrecht

Dordrecht-based Omoda first with shoes as well as clothing

Branch manager Kimmy Kompier is very proud of the new completely renovated Omoda on the Bagijnhof. The renovation and expansion took ten months, but the result is impressive. The space has doubled, but the atmosphere is intimate and casual. "Besides the look of the store, that is also the strength of our enthusiastic team," says Kimmy. "Nothing is too crazy for us. The coffee is ready, there are cozy sitting areas we have a special scanning device with which we can offer different looks and there is a fitting room. We are the first branch in the Netherlands to sell women's clothing in addition to a wide collection of shoes (for women, men and children). We are right back on track."

More Omoda
Omoda shoes shopping center Dordrecht

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