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Sheepheads at VVV Dordrecht

VVV Dordrecht not only provides information, but is also a place where a wide variety of products can be purchased.
In the store, located at Spuiboulevard 99, the assortment of gadgets and delicacies is very diverse. A prominent role is played by the legend of the Sheepheads.

The Dordt legend

The story of the Middle Ages is familiar to many Dordrecht citizens: as a prominent trading city, the staple law ensured that all goods going in and out of the city were subject to tax, including meat and livestock. Two inhabitants of Dordrecht who bought a sheep in the Alblasserwaard tried to avoid this tax by dressing the animal in scarecrow clothing. The plan failed at the last minute, because the sheep started bleating.

The inhabitants of Dordrecht have been given the nickname 'Schapenkoppen' (sheep heads). "Anyone born in Dordrecht is given a cuddly sheep as a gift when registering in the municipality. Shopkeepers regularly refer to the legend in their promotions or shop windows, and FC Dordrecht's nickname, not surprisingly, is 'The Sheepheads'.

Intree Dordrecht - Sheep products

Translation of the legend to VVV Dordrecht

It is so intertwined with the city that it makes sense that we at VVV Dordrecht also do something with it," explains Cécile Zanen (VVV desk team leader). "For example, we offer local specialties such as Schapenkopjes. These cookies are presented in a beautiful box, with an explanation of the legend. But also sheep magnets, baby slippers, cardboard sheep that can be assembled and colored, sheep key chains and lucky sheep are among the offerings. It especially captures the imagination of Dordrians looking for a gift for friends or family living outside the city. But tourists are also curious about what exactly it is that Dordentheans have with sheep."

The assortment changes regularly. "We can vary endlessly. The idea is to keep surprising visitors. Around the holidays, sweaters with the text 'Meèèèèrry Christmas' hang in the store. Products with a wink are often popular. For example, there are the so-called Schapenkeutels: fun candy tins with the story of the legend and filled with small round licorice. "

Intree Dordrecht - Sheep products

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