
Stolpersteine route

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Stolpersteine are small square stones of 10x10x10 centimetres, covered with a bronze-coloured metal plate. These stones commemorate the Jewish fellow citizens who were deported to concentration camps in the Second World War. The name, date of birth, date and place of deportation and date and place of murder of the victim are recorded on the metal plaque. The Stolpersteine are placed in the pavement in front of the house where the victim last lived.

Below is a small selection of all Stolpersteine in Dordrecht. View the entire route here or read all stories on


Spuiboulevard 206

Spuiboulevard 206

Former Cornelis de Wittstraat 106. Here is a stone for:
- Felix Leviticus
- Emma Leviticus - Goldstein
- Henri Leviticus
- Sophia Rosette Cahn - Leviticus
- Louis Leviticus


Voorstraat 318

Voorstraat 318

Here is a stone for:
- Samuel Gobits
- Rebecca Gobits - Lioness
- Greta Gobits
The Gobits family had two thriving furniture stores. In the building on Voorstraat they lived above the store. They died at the same time on November 19, 1943 in Auschwitz. A brother and sister of Greta survived the war.


Steegoversloot 189

Steegoversloot 189

Here lies a stone for:
* Chaim Salomon Haber
* Henriette Haber - Jacobs
A Dordrecht Jewish couple who ran a fur store in a corner building on Steegoversloot, proudly called by them "The Fur House of Trust. On Tuesday, November 10, 1942, after a raid that netted the Germans and their police henchmen forty Jews, Chaim and Henriëtte were arrested and imprisoned. Less than nine days later, Henriette was destroyed in Auschwitz. Her husband followed on Feb. 29, somewhere in central Europe, after years of hard forced labor.


Statengang 22

Statengang 22

Former Stuffed Moat 15; here is a stone in front of:
- Isaäc Blitz
- Aaltje Blitz - Kopee
- Flora Blitz
Isaäc was a merchant in rags and metals. On Wednesday, November 25, 1942, the fatal day arrived for the Blitz family from Dordrecht. The next day they were taken to Westerbork and from there put on transport to Auschwitz. On December 7, they died simultaneously from gas asphyxiation.


Blekersdijk 18

Blekersdijk 18

Here's a stone for:
- Jenette Braadbaart
- Kit Braadbaart
- Mirjam Braadbaart
The extended Jewish Braadbaart family in Dordrecht was hardest hit by the Holocaust. Among their descendants, the Germans caused, on a local scale, the greatest slaughter. Dozens of them lost their lives in the gas chambers.

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