Street art - Mural - Dordrecht

Street Art Tour | ±6km

Walking (or biking) route along beautiful murals in downtown Dordrecht.

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Street Art? In Dordrecht? Yes indeed! In recent years, the public space of Dordrecht is continuously enriched with beautiful murals. Iconoclash supports the city with impressive works of art. Curator Simian Switch selects renowned artists in which the final artworks are in harmony with the immediate surroundings and respond to the historical character of the city. The route also includes murals by other artists.


  • Make it a bike route by combining this route with the Abstract and Bird Art route and/or Murals & Street Art route. These routes connect to each other so you bike a round trip.
  • If you're going to bike the route, there are parts of downtown where you'll need to dismount. The Voorstraat is a walking street so take your bike by the hand there.
  • When you open the map in Google Maps make sure your navigation (at the top) is set to walking or biking.
  • After following this route, do you have any comments or would like to leave a review? If so, please fill out this form.
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Serge Kortenbroek

Bagijnhof 72

The horse on the corner of Lenghen Street is somewhat reminiscent of Dalí. The fading thin legs and checkerboard patterns mostly raise questions. Serge Kortenbroek did not give his work a title, so everyone can make up their own answers. The mural was installed in 2016 during a project by Iconoclash.

Follow the Bagijnhof and turn left past the Hema to Achterom.

Street art - mural - Joram Roukes

Joram Roukes

Reverse 74

On the blind wall of the garage on the Achterom (left) is the giant artwork by Joran Roukes. He produced this work for the celebration of the "Ode to the Synod" in 2019.

Next to Bots Mode, turn right through the underpass.

Street art - Mural - Dordrecht

Danny Rumbl

New Hilstraat 21

To the right of the passage you will find Danny Rumbl's stylized work, the Pheasant.
The work is part of a series of 3 works through the center, the pheasant and other accessories to the artworks are a reflection on the accessories found in the old artworks found in for example the Dordrechts Museum.

After this, walk along the water, turn left across the bridge. Straight ahead to the Spuiweg. On the right you will see the next painting.

Street art - Mural - Dordrecht


Spuiweg 45

Illustrator and Muralist Hedof created this mural in 2016 due to the celebration of the landmark, Iconoclasm Word Storm. The mural is a free interpretation there are several references to the iconoclasm where the image itself uses the Biesbosch as inspiration.

Turn right at this mural and a little further on the right you will see the next one.


Untitled Street Art

Geldelozepad 4

At the beginning of the Geldelozepad and in the parking lot Vinegar Place, you can see these colorful murals and graffiti. A few garage doors were painted by Bram Verbrugge. The other artists are unknown.

Follow the Geldeloze trail to the end, where you will see the next mural on the left.

Street art - Mural - Dordrecht

Telmo Miel

Geldelozepad 156

The creative duo Telmo Miel crafted this surreal artwork for the Beeldenstroom Woordenstorm festival. For the artwork, they looted images from the Dordrecht archives to create this beautiful work titled, "Not as creepy as I seem.

Turn right onto Sluisweg, turn right onto Spuiboulevard. On the side wall of the City Office you will see the following artwork.

Street art - Mural - Dordrecht

Johan Moorman

Spuiboulevard 304

The work "Power to the People" by Eindhoven-based artist Johan Moorman was designed in response to the 2016 Beeldenstroom Woordenstorm Festival. It refers to the iconoclasm and present day. The image shows the shaky foundation an average system.

Follow Spuiboulevard and look on the other side of the City Office.

Street art - Mural - Dordrecht

Beer and Bread

Spuiboulevard 292

Iconoclash's very first mural. Created for the 2016 Iconoclash Word Storm Festival. Contemporary translation of Iconoclash suggests a comparison between the giving way of image for word with the now taking place fusion of our reality with the digital world. The work is titled (Sub)Merge.

Go back on the Spuiboulevard, turn right over the bicycle bridge, then turn left and then right to Dolhuisstraat.

Street art - Mural - Dordrecht

Simian Switch

Dolhuisstraat 53

On the blind wall of the iconic Dolhuis (Hoek Dolhuisstraat/Schoolstraat) you will find "a" work of art by local artist Simian Switch. Since 2016, a pact with the Dolhuis has provided a personal canvas for this artist who is also the curator of all murals in downtown Dordrecht.

Walk down Dolhuisstraat and turn right onto Voorstraat. Note that the Voorstraat is a pedestrian street.

Street art - Mural - Dordrecht

Simian Switch

Voorstraat 397

At the intersection between Voorstraat and Botgenstraat, you will find Simian Switch's three-headed elephant on the Botgensteiger. Where previously stood an artwork by Rutger Termohlen, the scaffolding needed an update after restoration of the walls.
In consultation with the neighborhood and property owner, the Elephant was installed on the blind wall.

Continue down Voorstraat , just past the store De Rijsttafel the next mural.



Voorstraat 317

In a passage with stairs to the Voorstraatshaven you will find the mural "The closer to Dordt, the more beautiful it becomes. In this Street Art route, of course, the Schapenkop cannot be missing. Dordents are called 'Schapenkoppen' after an old legend. Unfortunately, the artist of this work is not known.

Follow Voorstraat and cross Scheffersplein on the left. Here you will find all kinds of catering establishments. Straight on to Tolbrugstraat Waterzijde, follow this to Varkenmarkt then turn left. On the left at a small parking lot the next mural.


Danny Rumbl and Robbert Visser

Pig Market 110

With this beautiful collaboration leading to a transition from figurative work to abstract forms, the baton was passed to Robert Visser. This object is Robert's first and Danny's last from their series of works.
Not everything always goes smoothly. After persistent complaints about 1 of the sides of the artwork by Danny Rumbl and Robert Visser, it was decided to modify it.
Simian Switch, in consultation with local residents, placed an appropriate less prominent image in the form of a solid robin.

Walk around the building to see all the works of art. The route goes back to the Varkenmarkt , follow it to the t-junction, turn right to Gravenstraat, end left and immediately right over the Nieuwbrug. Then left at the last mural.


A jar full of memories

Voorstraat 154

On the side wall of store The 2 Owls you will find the mural, which incorporates a poem about the sense of tasting by former city poet Juno. Also in the jar are various objects that recall the history of the place: a doll from the former orphanage around the corner, cloves and lamps.

This is where the route ends. If you have made it a bike route, you can extend it with Bird Art and Abstract tour.

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